#Changemaker of the Month

#Changemaker of the Month: ‘I care deeply about my community’
With a burning passion and dedication, Anchelle Damon, a Community Development Officer at Badisa, works daily to bring positive change to the lives of the

#Verskilmaker van die Maand: Marietjie Buys
Ná jare se leef en werk op die studentedorp van Stellenbosch, hoop meeste mense om dié gejaag vaarwel te groet, nuwe stokperdjies aan te pak

#Changemaker of the Month: “Facing challenges in elderly care together, with smiles on our faces”
Showing care to elderly persons has become Anrie Uys’ mission in life since being appointed manager of Huis Uitvlucht, a program of Badisa, in December

#Changemaker of the Month: “I wanted to leave my mark by doing something for others”
Caroline Elston, Foster Care Social Worker at Badisa Tygerberg knew from the age of 16 that she wanted to be a social worker. She says,

Belindia Dagsorgsentrum in Beaufort-Wes Gee Hoop vir Ouers en Kleuters
Anne-Marie Petinger, Programbestuurder by Belindia Dagsorgsentrum in Beaufort-Wes, ‘n program van Badisa, is al vir 21 jaar betrokke by die organisasie en het talle ouers

Lizzy’s Place of Safety: A Beacon of Hope in Fisantekraal
“It wasn’t my dream at all to become a foster parent. But, what I did know was that I wanted to work with children. Children