Badisa renders a continuum of services to children and families
Promote and strengthen
healthy family life.
Contribute towards all families, vulnerable children and the youth’s sense of safety.
Enhance a sense of community, social cohesion and social inclusion.
Alleviate poverty.
Enhance family members’ opportunities to enter the job market.
Provide an infrastructure for child protection.
Mitigate risk factors in families through collaboration with internal and external service providers.
Educate and empowering individuals, families and communities to know their rights and responsibilities.
Report abuse and neglect
Badisa is a designated child protection organisation in terms of the Children’s Act. Our social workers conduct risk assessments of children and their families when child abuse, neglect, abandonment or exploitation is reported. When this happens, Badisa will implement statutory processes to ensure the care and protection of children.

Foster care
As a designated child protection organisation, Badisa has the ability to approve foster parents and place children in foster care according to the Children’s Act. Badisa has more than 5 000 children in foster care, providing foster care supervision to them. Badisa are always in need of foster parents.
Click here to learn more about Safety- Foster Care Placement.
Kuumba Care
In 2022, Kuumba Care was established by Badisa Tygerberg. A fictional character named Kuumba from Rainbow Land is deeply dedicated to assisting vulnerable children on Earth. Badisa launched the Kuumba Care Programme, where “Kuumba”, literally means ‘to use our creativity, to do as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than before’. Click here to learn more.

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Child and youth care centres
Badisa has five child and youth care centres that offer comprehensive full-time care, education, therapeutic and developmental programmes for abused, abandoned and neglected children. These children could be reunited with their parents/family or they are accommodated till the age of 18 years.
Pregnancy Counselling and Adoption
Magdalena Home is an accredited adoption and counselling centre that provides a comprehensive, faith-based community-driven programme. Through this programme they strive to guide and enable our birthparents, adoptive parents/children and adoptees to a better future.