Building a stronger Badisa

Why support Badisa?

Badisa’s ability to provide sustainable services to the poor and vulnerable people in our society, strongly depends on the support of our donors. The short term vision of Badisa is the sustainability of all the Badisa programmes, especially programmes for vulnerable children and older persons. Our long term vision is to expand Badisa’s service delivery in line with the need in the country. Our fundraising goal for 2024 is R130m to find a balance between sustainability and charitable services to the vulnerable.

We welcome individual donors, businesses, churches, trusts and foundations to partner with us in changing the social landscape of South Africa. Some of our programmes became self-sustainable over many years, but the majority of our programmes working in very poor communities need the support of funders.

Donate in memory of a loved one or celebrate an anniversary, birthday or significant life event by making a donation to Badisa.

  • Badisa has a track record of good governance and excellent service delivery for more than a hundred years.
  • We provide services to more than 700,000 people per annum. 
  • Our B-BEEE verification is 76.12%.
  • Badisa is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930 006 348) and donations to Badisa are tax-exempted under Section 18A (1) (a) of the Income Tax Act, No. 58 of 1962.
  • Read the stories on our website, in our newsletters and in our annual report on how your donation can make a difference in the lives of people. 6.12

The challenging bottom 50% ​

Although the combined financial statements paint a rosy picture at face value, the financial need at most of our programmes is enormous. The top 25% of Badisa programmes represent 90% (R435 million) of the total capital and reserves. These programmes collectively contributed R41.5 million to the net surplus for the financial year (R43.2 million).

Unfortunately, the picture does not look as good for the bottom 50%, with 70 programmes that are highly depended on donations for financial sustainability. These programmes are largely funded by state subsidies, a source of income that does not keep pace with inflation.

Various ways to donate to Badisa

EFT/Direct Deposit

Bank: ABSA
Account no.: 405 720 4463
Account type: Cheque Account
Reference: Donation and Name


Leaving a lasting legacy

A charitable bequest offers people the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, after taking care of their loved ones. By naming Badisa in a will, people can keep their compassion for people in need alive for years and generations to come, and their heirs will save on estate duty. A bequest to Badisa can go towards the organisation, a specific target group or to one of our programmes. 

The types of gifts you could leave Badisa in your will:

Residuary gift:

A proportion of the residue of an estate after all other gifts, debts and expenses have been paid.

Pecuniary gift:

This is a fixed sum. This type of gift will, over time, devalue with inflation. If you want to futureproof your legacy you can ask your lawyer about index-linking your gift so its value keeps pace with inflation.

Specific gift:

A particular asset, for example an investment or property.

The following information may be shared with the executor.

  • Registration Name: Badisa
  • NPO Number: 011-891
  • PBO Number: PBO 930 006 348
  • Address: 11 Pastorie Street, Marturia Centre, Bellville 7530


Want to update your will?

You can update your existing will by attaching a Codicil. Download the Codicil here.  Or for more information contact us at