In 2022, Badisa Tygerberg established Kuumba Care, inspired by the fictional character Kuumba from Rainbow Land, who is deeply committed to helping vulnerable children on Earth. The name “Kuumba” signifies ‘using our creativity to do as much as we can, in the way we can, to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than before.’
Under the Kuumba Care banner, Badisa Tygerberg provides a wide range of child protection services to communities, focusing on ensuring children’s safety and development. The program empowers children to grow into responsible adults who contribute positively to society. It includes various initiatives such as anti-bullying campaigns, parenting programs, and comprehensive care services.
Mascots SA created a life-size Kuumba mascot, warmly embraced wherever it goes. Kuumba tirelessly seeks new opportunities to impact children’s lives, helping them grow into adults who make meaningful contributions to their communities.
Badisa aspires to position Kuumba Care as the “face” of its prevention and early intervention/care arm of child protection. The goal is to inspire programs delivering child protection services to use Kuumba Care as an overarching banner for initiatives and projects. This mission involves fostering a harmonised strategy among all Badisa Programs dedicated to child protection services, crafting compelling campaigns across diverse regions where Badisa operates, and resonating with both adults and children. Leveraging the distinctive Kuumba character and brand, we aim to heighten awareness, educate our audiences, and mobilise resources to support Badisa’s child protection services.
Kuumba Care also aims to establish Kuumba as a brand that business and private sectors can partner with to use their creativity to leave communities more beautiful and beneficial than before. The name “Kuumba” signifies not only creativity but also coming closer. We invite all stakeholders to come closer and actively participate in ensuring the safety of children. This campaign urges people to come together, step forward, and create a positive impact.
Kuumba Care is a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, aiming to develop a campaign that will have a lasting impact on Badisa from a fundraising perspective and on our communities and the children of South Africa. As more people contribute their creative ideas, the campaign continues to grow and evolve. By launching and learning together with our programs, church partners, business partners, and most importantly, our communities, we can expand even further. We need to embark on this journey with agility and resilience, joining hands to care for the vulnerable.