25 December 2023
For the residents and staff of Home PJ Strauss, a Home for Older Persons in Ceres, Christmas Eve 2023 was not at all what anyone expected.
The Home for Older Persons, which is part of the 48 homes under the organization Badisa, had to be evacuated after a fire broke out in one of the residents’ rooms at around 19h15 on the 24th December and spread quickly. The home accommodates 77 residents who require different levels of care. At the time of the fire, 13 of the residents were with their families for Christmas.
It is with regret that we have to confirm that one resident has passed away (presumably due to smoke inhalation). Five residents were admitted to the hospital while the remaining residents are accommodated in the hall of the Uniting Reformed Church (which is located opposite the home). The staff and volunteers immediately did everything in their power to make the persons as comfortable as possible in the hall. Mattresses, beds, blankets, residents’ medication, incontinence products, food, drinks and so on were taken from the home to the hall.
All the families of the residents were immediately informed of the situation, as well as the steps that were taken to care for and keep their loved ones safe. Currently there are still 45 residents in the hall after more families came to collect their loved ones. It is expected that more persons will be accommodated in this way. The extent of the damage to the home has yet to be determined, but preliminary indications are that approximately a quarter of the home has been destroyed or damaged. For now, the residents have nowhere else to go and, with the approval of the URC congregation, they will live in the hall until there is more clarity about the damage and the safety of the rest of the building before the residents can return.
We are also very appreciative of the staff of the home who acted immediately to make the evacuation run smoothly, to calm the residents and to proceed with the caring of the residents in the hall. The management and senior staff of the home, the chairman of the governing board as well as the local URC pastor were immediately on the scene to manage the situation. We also thank and appreciate the Department of Social Development of the Western Cape for their prompt response and assistance.
It is with great gratitude that we can mention that businesses and private persons from the community have already reached out to the home and that donations have been received to help deal with the situation. Huis PJ Strauss only accommodates residents who receive social grants (SASSA) and therefore the home’s continued existence is dependent on the community’s support. This incident will put the already extremely limited resources of the home under greater pressure. In this time of compassion and care, we want to appeal to businesses and individuals to open their hearts and hands to the home and its residents. Immediate needs include:
- Non-perishable products
- Incontinent products (diapers for adults)
- Fitted sheets
- Pillows
- Washcloths
- Towels
- Clothing/sleepwear for men and women
- Toiletries
- Bottled water
The following persons can be contacted for offering help or donations:
• Basil de Wee (Manager of Ceres Service Centre, program of Badisa), 079 708 5752
• Marthinus de Villiers (Chairman of the Governing Board), 082 324 6751.
Donations can also be paid into the following account:
Name of bank account: Badisa
Bank: Absa (cheque account)
Account number: 4057204463
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: PJStrauss
(Sec 18 A receipt will be issued for cash and goods)
Issued by Basie van Wyk, the Chief Executive Officer of Badisa.
For more information, please contact the following assistance number of the Badisa Management Program: 0769804465