#Changemaker of the Month: ‘I care deeply about my community’

With a burning passion and dedication, Anchelle Damon, a Community Development Officer at Badisa, works daily to bring positive change to the lives of the people in Hermanus, Stanford, and Gansbaai. She strives to build hope amidst challenges like poverty, crime, and gender-based violence. Says Anchelle, “I want to make a difference, one person at […]
#Verskilmaker van die Maand: Marietjie Buys

Ná jare se leef en werk op die studentedorp van Stellenbosch, hoop meeste mense om dié gejaag vaarwel te groet, nuwe stokperdjies aan te pak en hul aftreegeld in vrede te geniet. Dit is egter nie die koers wat Marietjie Buys se lewe geneem het nie. Toe Marietjie uit haar pos as Finansiële Bestuurder by […]
#Changemaker of the Month: “Facing challenges in elderly care together, with smiles on our faces”

Showing care to elderly persons has become Anrie Uys’ mission in life since being appointed manager of Huis Uitvlucht, a program of Badisa, in December 1998. Today, 26 years later, she is still inspired to do more and provide even better care for those she serves every day. She tells her story. I’ve always loved […]
#Changemaker of the Month: “I wanted to leave my mark by doing something for others”

Caroline Elston, Foster Care Social Worker at Badisa Tygerberg knew from the age of 16 that she wanted to be a social worker. She says, “After school, I studied at Stellenbosch University and graduated in 1977 – a long time ago! “My first place of employment was Child Welfare in Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal. I had […]
Belindia Dagsorgsentrum in Beaufort-Wes Gee Hoop vir Ouers en Kleuters

Anne-Marie Petinger, Programbestuurder by Belindia Dagsorgsentrum in Beaufort-Wes, ‘n program van Badisa, is al vir 21 jaar betrokke by die organisasie en het talle ouers en kinders se lewens aangeraak deur haar visie en passie om haar gemeenskap te dien. Sy vertel haar #verskilmaker verhaal. Ek was gelukkig om op ‘n baie vroeë ouderdom my […]
Lizzy’s Place of Safety: A Beacon of Hope in Fisantekraal

“It wasn’t my dream at all to become a foster parent. But, what I did know was that I wanted to work with children. Children are my life. The Lord has managed it in such a way that I can become a foster parent to take care of, love and protect children. Today I do […]